Meeting Energy Code Requirements with Fan Energy Index (FEI) Ratings

by Mike Wolf, P.E. |

State Energy Code Requirements

The deadline for states to comply with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) commercial building energy code stipulations was July 28, 2023. To satisfy DOE regulations, states must certify that their energy codes deliver energy savings at least equivalent to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2019.


While some jurisdictions have directly instituted 90.1 or fulfilled obligations through the IECC-2021 or their state provisions (such as California's CEC Title 24), many missed this cutoff.


Status of State Energy Code Adoption as of 12-28-23

Figure 1: Status of State Energy Code Adoption: Commercial Buildings

Source: US DOE BECP  Updated as of 12/28/23


To assist states and local governments in achieving compliance and meeting DOE commercial building energy code requirements, the Inflation Reduction Act made $1 billion in funding available through September 30, 2029. These funds can support adopting and implementing qualifying energy codes.


Fan Energy Index (FEI) Code Requirements

To optimize fan efficiency and reduce fan energy consumption both ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC mandate a minimum Fan Energy Index (FEI). ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC both require a minimum FEI of 1.00 for fans with a motor nameplate of 1.0 hp and above.


FEI represents a fan’s electrical input power relative to a baseline fan at a given duty point. For example, a fan with a 1.10 FEI uses approximately 10% less power than the baseline model. Selecting fans below 1.00 FEI, such as one rated at 0.85 FEI, will fail to satisfy minimum energy code requirements.

By optimizing FEI, the fan selection ends up being more central in the fan curve.
Figure 2: By optimizing FEI, the fan selection ends up being more central in the fan curve. This provides more comfort against unforeseen static pressure impacts in the field.


Specifying third-party certified FEI values ensures the fan will perform as advertised. IECC mandates third-party certification to comply with code requirements. Validated ratings give engineers, architects, and owners confidence that fans will operate as intended to ventilate buildings efficiently and effectively.


Fan Energy Index (FEI) Rebate Incentives

To encourage users to select fans that exceed the minimum requirements of the energy codes and to encourage replacement of old inefficient fans the Department of Energy has set aside $20 million for fans that meet the following FEI requirements:

Qualifying fan types and minimum FEI ratings

Several utilities also provide rebates on fans with FEI ratings that exceed minimum code limits. These incentive programs also require third-party certified FEI ratings to assure maximum savings are achieved.


Code Compliant Fan Specifications and Schedules

To minimize fan energy consumption and assure compliance with the DOE Energy Code Certification requirements consider the following:


  • Updates to Specifications and Equipment Schedules Recommendations:
    1. Reference the latest edition of 90.1 and the applicable Energy Code
    2. State a minimum FEI Requirement (ref. ASHRAE 90.1-2019)
    3. Require AMCA FEI Certified Rating Performance
    4. Incorporate minimum FEI requirements into:
      • Fan Equipment Schedules
      • Code Compliance Plan Review
      • Submittal Review
      • Certificate of Occupancy and/or Commissioning Review
  • Example Fan Specification:
    1. Fans shall have a Fan Energy Index (FEI) rating that meets or exceeds the requirements of the latest edition of ASHRAE 90.1.
    2. Fans shall be licensed to bear the Air Movement and Control Association International (AMCA) Certified Ratings Program (CRP) seal for FEI.
    3. The Fan FEI rating shall be indicated on the design documents and manufacturer product submittals to allow for compliance verification by the building official.


Fan Selection Software

Greenheck’s eCAPS® includes AMCA-certified FEI values to enable code-compliant selection. Specifying FEI-optimized fans with certified data through eCAPS® ensures energy code conformity and maximized ventilation system savings for owners.


Click here to try out our eCAPS online product selection program.


Codes/Standards Fan Energy Index
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Mike Wolf, P.E.
Mike Wolf, P.E.
Mike Wolf, P.E.
Mike Wolf, P.E. is Greenheck’s Director of Industry and Regulatory Relations. A professional engineer and ASHRAE member, he holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the University of Wisconsin and has 38 years of experience in the ventilation industry. He is also acting president of the Air Movement and Control Association International (AMCA), Inc.
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