
3 Reasons to Work with a Greenheck Rep

by Jordan Baker |
Many in the HVAC industry have a go-to-market model using manufacturer’s representatives as the sales force. Finding every niche in a geographical market requires a large sales team, more than most companies can afford. The manufacturer’s reps provide tremendous value to customers in their local markets; Greenheck’s are among the best for three main reasons.

  1. Location
  2. Marketplace Training and Support
  3. The Greenheck Difference

Most manufacturers are not near the majority of their customers. Greenheck is no exception. However, Greenheck’s rep network extends across the country; so that no project is too far to drive. The reps offer a local connection, who will jump in a car and respond quickly to customer needs. That in-person assistance offers incalculable value when a contractor has questions at the job site.

The location has another critical aspect to consider when working with the rep—the rep’s vast knowledge base. Much of that knowledge comes from their association with Greenheck. However, knowing local nuances only come from working in the area and staying on top of changing regulations.

Understanding the building codes set by the authority having jurisdiction often saves projects from needless delays and costs associated with rework. It’s a matter of knowing, then advising the customer on the best product solution based on that locality.

Marketplace Training and Support. Understanding and navigating the local building codes require much training. However, understanding those building codes and applying that knowledge correctly in the proper context involves even more training. Reps participate in training provided by Greenheck. This training evolves and runs the course of a rep’s entire career, and its design helps the rep tackle product and HVAC challenges at every stage. Training is hands-on and experiential, so when challenges arise, the rep is there to offer the solution.

This training allows the rep to offer multiple alternatives and successfully resolve issues. As the world adjusts to extended lead time and supply chain challenges, many reps become reactive. However, the Greenheck representative is proactive. One example is the ongoing parts shortage happening in practically every industry. Some [reps] tell their customers to wait for a product. Not the Greenheck rep. That person will find a solution, whether it is a comparable product or variation, or make arrangements to get and store the product today for use months later when it may not be available.

The rep takes on another role as facilitator/trainer for the customer once they know the products, codes, and regulations. They facilitate additional training for customers to receive professional development credit, by bringing in manufacturers to talk about relevant topics. These topics may include new building codes and how to prepare for implementation, ways to improve designs, and new product or technology advancements.

Reps also play a role in customer education by providing that local, hands-on training. It is quite common for reps to jump into training mode when visiting customers. Most customers depend on the rep’s regular visit as a means to solving challenges related to products and systems.

Occasionally, a project in the early stages may have the wrong product specified. The Greenheck rep frequently spots the problem and offers another option that works better. These examples happen regularly and resolve successfully, thanks to the training Greenheck reps receive.

The Greenheck Difference. There’s a reason why Greenheck (and their reps) are leaders in air movement, control, distribution, and conditioning. The products manufactured are trusted because each addresses a need and solves a problem. Product quality has few equals, and the skill of its employees is unmatched. But, there is more to it.

The 75-year-old organization operates according to values established early on; these values extend to its rep group.

  • Easy to do business with
  • Ongoing investments in people and operations
  • Making a difference in the community
  • Mutually beneficial partnerships with sales partners and suppliers
  • Integrity and professionalism
  • Continuous improvement through learning, innovation, and teamwork

The company values drive practically every activity and extend to the rep network and the communities they serve. Greenheck reps do business by making it easy to work with them. One only has to look back to the height of the pandemic to see the responsiveness, willingness to get the job done, integrity, and professionalism, regardless of the challenges.

Many companies use manufacturer’s representatives, but only a select few can be Greenheck reps. Learn more about the Greenheck rep in your area.
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Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker is a Greenheck Regional Sales Manager in the Southeast region of the United States. He has been with the company for 18 years, serving in various roles including management positions for Greenheck operations in the Middle East and Asia. Jordan is a graduate of Michigan Technical University.
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